To Neuter or Not to Neuter?

To neuter or not to neuter, that is the question. But what is the answer? Kaya, my new puppy, turned six months the other day! Yay…and almost immediately broke into her, and my, first season…!! She is becoming an adult sooner than I thought she would. This surprise situation has me asking many questions and … Read more

What is Raw Dog Food?

What is Fresh Dog Food, Raw Dog Food and BARF?? It’s called lots of things – fresh dog food, raw dog food or even BARF! The acronym BARF dog food was coined by the Australian Billanhurst and stands for Bones and Raw Food (also Biologically Appropriate Raw Food). They all mean the same thing to … Read more

Why feed your dog the same thing every day?

Customers ask me this question all the time. If they don’t ask I tell them anyhow. Yes, you can and SHOULD regularly change your pet’s food (specifically the protein source). Imagine eating the same sandwich for lunch EVERYDAY! The same dinner every evening, Everyday! You’d get sick of it very quickly. Eventually, even the smell … Read more

Bugs Bugging you this Autumn?

Pet Parlour Natural Flea Powder When I began the exciting journey into the pet world a number of years back, there was a flurry of pet industry sales reps calling to see me, all obviously eager to sell their wares. Food, beds, leads, harnesses shampoos and so on. I would endeavour to try educate myself as … Read more

Great News! Exclusive Paleo Ridge Raw Dog Food Arrives in Pet Parlour

As most of you know already, The Pet Parlour is going through some changes. Most importantly, we are developing our fresh food for pet’s section. We already stock various flavours of Nature’s Menu (UK raw dog food) and a locally sourced Irish raw dog food and are now delighted to announce that we have secured … Read more

The Pet Parlour Recommends Canagans Grain Free Dog Food

Canagan grain free dog food is superior to most other dog foods. It is one of the leading grain free dog foods available and we recommend it.  All their dog foods are made with real meat, no filler, no rubbish. Great nutrition for your dog. 

The Pet Parlour/DCC Bushy Park Dog Show Winners!!

Well done to all involved both organizers and contestants. Hope you enjoy the pictures! Adult Bitch 1st Place-Roxy with Aisling Adult Bitch 2nd Place-Penny Adult Bitch 3rd Place-Millie with Siobhan Adult Bitch 4th Place-Buffy with Siobhan Adult Dog Adult Dog 1st Place-Sam with Dave Adult Dog 2nd Place-Leo with Ger Adult Dog 3rd Place-Toby with … Read more

Sandymount Dog Show – The Year the Rain Came!!

The Pet Parlour had been looking forward to the Sandymount Dog Show since this time last year. We’d been there in 2016, but not been involved. The way Sandymount Green, it’s a park, is situated means there is normally a very intimate feel to the show, even if there are big crowds. Alas and alack this year … Read more

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