What are the benefits of raw feeding for dogs?

What are the benefits of raw feeding for dogs?

As you are already aware, we are BIG raw fresh feeders here at The Pet Parlour On our website, you will find a huge range of Biologically appropriate raw fresh food for Dogs. We understand that many people want to know more about the benefits of feeding Raw food feeding versus conventional convenient Kibble feeding. So below … Read more

Processed Dog Food and its Effect on your Dog’s Gut Health

processed dog food

Did you know that the feeding of highly processed dog foods is a major factor in the reduced life expectancy of our Dogs across all breeds in recent years? Since the 1970s, the average lifespan of dogs has dropped from 17 to 11, that’s a reduction of 6 years in the last 40/50 years. If … Read more

Should you feed your cat raw meat?

Should you feed your cat raw meat? Cats NEED meat to survive. They’re biologically equipped to survive off meat and have ZERO requirement for plant matter. Fact. Why do cats need meat? We hear this question a lot here at The Pet Parlour and the answer is very simple, Cats need taurine and you cannot … Read more

What are the benefits of a grain free diet for a dog?

What are the benefits of a grain free diet for a dog?

What are the benefits of a grain free diet for a dog? In the world of canine nutrition, grain free diets (in regards to dry foods) have caused quite a stir in recent years due to the possibility of dogs developing Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) and the apparent links to grain a free diet…NOTE: Since the commotion, studies … Read more

Should I worm my dog every month, even if they don’t have worms?

should I worm my dog every month?

The short answer is , No! Let me explain why….a lot of dog owners are using chemical worming medications for their dogs every month under veterinary guidance/advice, without a second thought as it’s just the “Norm”.However if we spin the question and applied it to children, would they apply that same level of thinking? Would we … Read more

What is Woolcool? Why am I receiving Woolcool with my frozen pet food order?

The Pet Parlour has changed to Woolcool for all our Frozen Pet Food Orders.Woolcool is Refundable, reusable, biodegradable, amazing, and very very Cool!Woolcool’s thermal insulated frozen food packaging inserts, made from sheep’s wool, offer an environmentally friendly alternative to polystyrene. Woolcool inserts are fully compostable & biodegradable, fully reusable and a 100% sustainable solution to … Read more

Should I get a Cat?

Should I get a cat?

Should you get a cat? That’s something only you can answer but let us explore everything you have to consider being a cat owner! The first thing is commitment! Are you ready to commit your life to them for the next 2-20+ years?   The oldest cat on record lived until the grand old age … Read more

Categories Cat

Should I feed my dog raw meat?

should I feed my dog raw dog food in ireland?

Should you feed your dog raw meat? Should I feed my dog raw meat? This is a question I get a lot however the answer is not always that straight forward. Every dog is different and so without knowing the dog’s full history, my answer is simply “I don’t know, so please tell me more.” … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?

Pet shops near me - can my dog eat strawberries

Introduction If you’re a dog owner, you’ve probably noticed that every time there’s a rustle of a packet or the sound of a tin opening, your canine companion’s ears prick up and their beady eyes are soon fixed on your every move. It’s great to be able to treat your dog from time to time … Read more

The Truth about Cats and Dogs

truth about cats and dogs

I know I go on about my dog a lot. And she is great. But did you hear the story about puppy-dog eyes and how dogs developed facial muscles (aka puppy-dog eyes) that would get humans to do things for them? Master manipulators. But a great tactic from an animal that is as needy as … Read more

Puppy School – What dogs can teach us about ourselves.

puppy training

What dogs can teach us about ourselves Have you ever seen a dog that looks like its owner? What about one that behaves like its owner? The latter is far more common, I think. Even more so having watched Channel 4’s Puppy School. We dipped in and out of it; and caught a couple of … Read more

Best in Show – Who’s the best dog?

Best in show - who's the best dog?

  Who’s the best dog? We’ve been finding out in a series of dog shows across Dublin over the past few weeks and months. But, we’re not done yet. The Pet Parlour, in association with Dublin City Council, could be headed your way soon. If you’re the kind of person who watches Crufts and thinks: … Read more

Princess Kaya’s Manifesto

I have been working in conjunction with Dublin City Council for the last two years putting on Dog Shows all over the great city of Dublin.  I would like to put myself forward as your Canine Candidate for Dublin.  If elected I promise to  More Dog Parks, our owners get to let us off the … Read more

We are what we eat, and so are our dogs.

What’s the worst thing about owning a dog? Be honest. It’s picking up s*1t every day of its life, right? When I talk to people who don’t have dogs, they really don’t understand why we do it. If they have kids, they can kind of understand but they will often say they couldn’t do what … Read more

Learning to Let Go of your dog

There comes a point in every parent’s life when they need to let go and give their children space and independence. The same is true, to some extent, for our pets.

Christmas Crackers from the Pet Parlour

We’re going Christmas crackers It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Are you feeling Christmasy yet? The team at the Pet Parlour are. We are finalising our letters to Santa Clause, buying the last of our presents and will soon be putting up our Christmas tree. The kids are really excited about what Santa … Read more

10 Halloween Tips for Dogs & Dog Owners

Something spooky comes this way

Halloween is a scary time for many people, for pets it can be a very stressful time. Fireworks and firecrackers can be mildly irritating to extremely annoying, depending on the frequency. But, spare a thought for your canine friend whose hearing is roughly four times better than yours. No surprise then that the spooky season can be a stressful time for pets.

Here are 10 easy steps you can take to help your dog feel safe and calm during this time.

Pulling Teeth!

Over the last couple of weeks in the shop, I have noticed a somewhat worrying trend of sorts….. Numerous customers coming into the shop to buy their Pets food and sadly telling me how their recent visit to the Vets, for whatever reason, had left their animals somewhat toothless!!  All pulled WITHOUT any consultation beforehand! … Read more

A Natural Holistic Flea Tick & Mite Repellent that actually works!!

A Natural Holistic Flea Tick & Mite Repellent that actually works!! Many moons ago myself & my friend and our respective girlfriends decided to head on holiday to the south of Turkey. On the first night, all dressed up to head out for dinner, we sat in the hotel foyer while waiting for our taxi … Read more

Treat For Worms When There Are No Worms?

When I was a kid, I often read the Dandy Comic. I remember one sketch which saw one of the characters putting dozens of puncture repair patches all over the tubes of his bike. When asked by another character what he was doing, he replied that he was putting the patches on BEFORE he got the puncture … Read more

The BIG clearout – 50% off selected raw dog food ranges!

As most of you know we have one of Ireland’s biggest selection of raw dog food‘s out there such as Paleo Ridge, Nutriment, Nature’s Menu, some local brands and a variety of Irish meats including Atlantic sardine and wild poultry. Our 18ft freezer is full to capacity but we need more room to develop a new range. This … Read more

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