How to Stop Your Puppy from Eating Dog Poo: Effective Solutions and Prevention

Learn effective methods and preventative measures to stop your puppy from eating dog poo.


As a pet owner, it can be quite distressing to discover your puppy eating dog poo, a behaviour known as coprophagia. This habit is not only unappealing, but it can also pose health risks to your puppy, such as exposure to harmful parasites and bacteria. Fortunately, there are effective strategies to help discourage this behaviour and prevent it from becoming a long-term issue.

In this article, we will try to outline as best we can, practical methods to stop your puppy from eating dog poo, as well as discuss preventative measures to ensure the habit doesn’t resurface.

Understand the underlying reasons for coprophagia:

Before you can address the issue, it’s essential to understand the possible causes behind your puppy’s coprophagia. Several factors may contribute to this behaviour, including:

  • Nutritional deficiencies: If your puppy’s diet lacks essential nutrients, they may resort to eating poo to compensate.
  • Boredom or stress: Puppies may develop the habit of eating poo if they are under-stimulated or experience anxiety.
  • Curiosity: Puppies are naturally curious, and they may eat poo simply to explore their environment.
  • Attention-seeking: Some puppies may eat poo to gain attention from their owners, especially if they receive a strong reaction.
Ensure a well-balanced diet:

Providing your puppy with a high-quality, balanced diet is a crucial part of the prevention of coprophagia. We can help you to determine the best food for your puppy’s age, size, and breed and of course budget. Making sure the diet meets all their nutritional needs and avoids any deficiencies. Good quality, hight meat content grain free dry foods, such as KAYA GRAIN FREE are designed to provide your pet with the necessary nutrients but you can also consider feeding your Dog a wet food diet or better still, a fresh Raw Food Diet.

Clean up after your puppy:

One of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent your puppy from eating dog poo is to clean up their waste promptly. By immediately removing the poo from their environment, you eliminate the opportunity for your puppy to engage in coprophagia. Make it a habit to clean your yard or walking area immediately after your puppy poos.

Provide mental and physical stimulation:

Boredom and stress are known triggers for coprophagia. Engaging your puppy in regular physical exercise and mental stimulation can help alleviate boredom and reduce their likelihood of developing this behaviour. Consider incorporating interactive toys, puzzle feeders, or obedience training into your puppy’s daily routine.

Leash training and positive reinforcement:

Leash training can help you maintain control over your puppy during walks and prevent them from accessing poo. Keep your puppy on a short leash and redirect their attention whenever they show interest in poo. Consistently using positive reinforcement, such as praise or treats, can encourage your puppy to focus on you instead of engaging in poo eating.

Use deterrent products:

Several commercial products are designed to deter puppies from eating poo. These products are typically added to your puppy’s food and make their poo taste unpleasant.

Be patient and consistent:

Breaking the habit of coprophagia can take time and patience. As with any dog training, it is crucial to be consistent with your prevention efforts and stay committed to helping your puppy overcome this behaviour. Remember that punishing your puppy for eating poo can be counterproductive, as it may increase their stress levels and further encourage the behaviour. Instead, focus on reinforcing positive behaviour and providing a supportive environment.


Stopping your puppy from eating dog poo is essential for their health and well-being. By understanding the reasons behind coprophagia and implementing effective prevention strategies, you can help your puppy break this habit and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

As a trusted pet food and accessories store, we understand the importance of keeping your furry friend happy and healthy. If you have any questions or concerns about your puppy’s diet or behaviour, feel free to reach out to us via Email or by phone for expert advice and assistance.


Stopping your puppy from eating dog poo is essential for their health and well-being. By understanding the reasons behind coprophagia and implementing effective prevention strategies, you can help your puppy break this habit and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

As a trusted pet food and accessories store, we understand the importance of keeping your furry friend happy and healthy. If you have any questions or concerns about your puppy’s diet or behaviour, feel free to reach out to us via Email or by phone for expert advice and assistance.

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